Why Choose Gyro4Biz?
Meet Paul
Paul De Decker is an experienced Executive and "on-the-job" coach, combining experience and expertise in Senior National and International Executive Management positions (including CEO) AND the experience of assisting SMEs !
He is an expert in helping CEOs building their teams into leadership teams that use emotional intelligence, management tools and clear vision & goals.

Paul De Decker
Founder & CEO
01. Keep The Overview
In order to make a company successful on the long term, you have to make it "all" work together.
Although we may collaborate with you on a specific aspect, the wider picture will never be forgotten.
These are question that might be looked at :
Is the vision clear, understood and "lived" ? (Including interviews with stakeholders)
Is the Business Model and Strategic Action Plan geared towards realising the vision?
Is the offering coherent and are the customer segments clear?
and very concrete
Is a transformation (digital or not) the right thing to do?
Are the sales approach, the strategic sales plan, the follow-up, forecasting still adequate?
Are the competencies present?
Should leadership be developed in the team or for specific individuals?
Every step of the way will give YOU the insight, YOU are the one that stays in charge.
02. Real Business Experience
My experiences includes Country & International Sales Management, I therefore understand the pressures and the workload… and the excuses you hear.
Gyro4Biz offers peer-level independent assistance, instead of the textbook prescriptions or “one size must fit all”.
And I worked at a small company… that grew.
03. Scalable Methodologies
Our methodologies are based on what I learned and used in large and multinational companies, but we tailored them to be usable for companies of all sizes.
04. Effective and Efficient
No need to hire a full-time person (at management level) or spend a lot of time to build internal expertise (that will not be used often).
If the need is there, we will develop one of your people to continue the work.
05. Strategic = Cross-Department
Strategic Programs are Cross-Departmental and require overall view and steering, which is not easy to combine with internal Line-Management roles.
Asking an external person to drive Strategic Programs keeps Line Managers focused and also avoids the perception of favouritism.
"Sustainable success is only possible when everybody in an organisation works with passion and belief towards the same goal, with a clear focus on customers and stakeholders."