Many Managers are good at using "tools", but lack a balanced leadership with emotional intelligence. Turn your team into a leadership team that uses emotional intelligence and management tools combined with a clear vision and goals.
People are the most important resource in your organization. Having the right people at the right place, and keeping them motivated and performing requires investment, time and effort. Many “top performers” or “high potentials” are leaving a company and very promising career because of a “bad” manager. Leading people is not trivial and now new variables are added such as remote working, work-life balance, new generations, mergers with other teams/BU/companies, and also background and "identity" of your leadership team.
Learning more about themselves, but also about how others can perceive their behavior and helping them to become the better version of themselves sits at the core of our value. Emotional intelligence, whilst realising business results, is the key soft skill to build a successful leadership team.
By developing your leadership team, you’ll develop the drivers of your company, and the rest of your teams.